Carrying Positions Achievable with a Baby Carrier

August 11, 2017

Carrying Positions Achievable with a Baby Carrier

Nothing else makes the possession of a baby carrier more gratifying than knowing how well you can utilize it. And in this view, we intend to put the positions/ways nursing mothers can place their babies in the baby carrier into perspective. The positioning you frequently place your baby in, goes a long way in shaping his/her figure. There are fair enough number of positions achievable and some of these shall be discussed forthwith:

Infant Face-in Position

The face-in position is highly recommended for newborn babies and those weighing about 3.2 kg. This position gives the baby's head, neck and spine the needed support- this would eventually ensure that a baby's development follows a smooth course.

Front Face-out Position

This is strictly for babies from 6 months and above and/or those (babies) that can hold their head up without being assisted. Moreover, this is particularly effective in providing your baby with learning aids since he/she is going to be 'facing the world' to behold distinctive entities.

Back Position

The back position is usually seen as a way distributing weight over the hips and shoulder. Hence, it is often employed in carrying relatively weightier babies. The Back position is sometimes referred to as 'Rucksack carrying'. It is quite convenient for both the (nursing) mother and the baby.

Hip Carry

This is based on the natural way of carrying a baby with the only difference being that rather than using the arm to support the baby, a sling is used. There is however a variation to this, and that is the kangaroo hip carry which entails the tying of an additional fabric round the waist [in order to provide more support]. Both are appropriate for babies that are 4 months old.

Double Hammock Carry

Double hammock carry is a form of back position- only that it is more complicated. About two layers of fabrics are used in this method to give an assured and comfortable means of carriage.